Vincent Partington's homepage


My Face Welcome to the homepage of Vincent Partington, Chief Technical Officer & Co-founder of XebiaLabs. Most of my time is spent working on Deployit, our Java EE deployment automation product.
If you want to know what I am doing, have been doing or have done, you can check one of the following sources respectively:

Or have a look at my publications and presentations,my blogs, my podcast appearances, my scientific publications or my free software listed below.

Publications and presentations


Podcast appearances

Scientific publications

My graduation project at the University of Amsterdam (to become a Drs. in computer science) sparked a number of publications of which I'm quite proud. For more info on the project check the Alma-0 homepage.

Free Software

In my spare time, I have worked on free software. Bits of code from me can be found in Apache JServ, the PostgreSQL JDBC driver, and Mark Matthews' excellent JDBC driver for MySQL mm.mysql. The following software packages are my own creations, although other people have also contributed to them:

A free implementation of Sun's Java Server Pages
With mod_roaming you can use your Apache webserver as a Netscape Roaming Access server.
mod_hosts_access allows you to use the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files to configure access to your Apache webserver.
Format multiple Java source files in one go.

See the individual pages for more details and download links. Or check the page with updates on my free software endeavours.

Copyright (C) 1998-2010, Vincent Partington <>, Last Updated: 21 Dec 2010.