Vincent Partington's homepage
Welcome to the homepage of Vincent Partington, Chief Technical Officer & Co-founder of XebiaLabs. Most of my time is spent working on Deployit, our Java EE deployment automation product.
If you want to know what I am doing, have been doing or have done, you can check one of the following sources respectively:
- My Twitter account (vpartington)
- My blogs on the Xebia blog (or my blogs at DZone)
- My LinkedIn profile
Publications and presentations
- 2009-09-11: Deployment vaak het ondergeschoven kind in Computable Online, in print 2009-12-04 (Dutch)
- 2009-07-15: JPA implementation patterns at TheServerSide
- 2009-04-15: Hoe bouw ik een ECHTE applicatie met JPA? at J-Spring 2009 (Dutch)
- June 2008: "Drie RIA toolkits voor Java ontwikkelaars", an article comparing GWT, Flex and JavaFX for Java Magazine with Bart Guijt (Dutch)
- 2007-10-10: Terracotta DSO workshop at NL-JUG University Day 2007 (with Jeroen Borgers) (I only did the preparation because I fell ill, so Cesario Oliveira Ramos did the actual workshop) (Dutch)
- 2007-09-21: Applying Agile principles to a SOA at BEA SOA Symposium 2007 (with Serge Beaumont)
- 2007-04-30: Top 10 Java EE performance problems at TheServerSide
- 2006-11-10: Top 10 Enterprise Java performance problemen en hun oplossingen at J-Fall 2006 (Dutch)
- 2006-04-12 until 2006-05-24: Free Spring training for NL-JUG members (Dutch)
- Spring 2006: "Tien manieren om je J2EE web applicatie te hacken", an article on the OWASP Top 10 in Java Magazine (Dutch)
- 2005-10-12: Top tien web applicatie kwetsbaarheden in J2EE at J-Fall 2005 (Dutch)
- 2005-04-27: Java with Spring just as productive as a 4GL RAD tool at TheServerSide
- 2010-12-20: Deployment automation vs. server provisioning
- 2010-11-25: Deployment automation vs. release management automation
- 2010-10-12: Deployment automation vs. build automation (on DZone)
- 2010-02-25: Implementing Deployit, part 1: organizational aspects
- 2010-02-10: Deployit!
- 2010-01-07: Middleware integration testing with JUnit, Maven and VMware, part 3 (of 3) (on DZone)
- 2009-12-14: Middleware integration testing with JUnit, Maven and VMware, part 2 (of 3) (on DZone)
- 2009-12-07: Middleware integration testing with JUnit, Maven and VMware, part 1 (of 3) (on DZone)
- 2009-11-23: IBM WebSphere scripting with wsadmin: containment paths, configuration IDs and object names
- 2009-11-13: Do application server vendors really understand deployment?
- 2009-08-24: Integrating deployment automation and configuration management
- 2009-08-05: Incremental deployments vs. full redeployments
- 2009-07-13: JPA implementation patterns: Wrap-up
- 2009-07-11: JPA implementation patterns: Testing (on DZone)
- 2009-06-21: JPA implementation patterns: Mapping inheritance hierarchies (on DZone)
- 2009-06-13: JPA implementation patterns: Field access vs. property access (on DZone)
- 2009-05-25: JPA implementation patterns: Bidirectional associations vs. lazy loading (on DZone)
- 2009-05-11: JPA implementation patterns: Service Facades and Data Transfers Objects (on DZone)
- 2009-04-27: JPA implementation patterns: Lazy loading (on DZone)
- 2009-04-09: JPA implementation patterns: Removing entities (on DZone)
- 2009-04-03: JPA implementation patterns: Retrieving entities (on DZone)
- 2009-03-23: JPA implementation patterns: Saving (detached) entities (on DZone)
- 2009-03-16: JPA implementation patterns: Bidirectional assocations (on DZone)
- 2009-03-09: JPA implementation patterns: Data Access Objects (on DZone)
- 2009-01-26: Clean Code vs. Implementation Patterns
- 2009-01-19: Maybe annotations aren't that bad after all
- 2009-01-01: Spring 2.x schema based configuration and the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer
- 2008-12-13: Running VMWare Server 2.0 on Windows Vista with proper performance
- 2008-10-12: Eclipse Tip: Keep static imports for JUnit 4
- 2008-06-29: Top 10 SOA Pitfalls: Wrap-up (actually by Gero Vermaas but including my previous two blogs)
- 2008-05-26: Top 10 SOA Pitfalls: 5 - Big Design Upfront (on DZone)
- 2008-04-23: Top 10 SOA Pitfalls: 10 - Not Invented Here Syndrome (on DZone)
- 2007-04-30: EJAPP Top 10 countdown wrap-up
- 2007-04-29: EJAPP Top 10 countdown: #1 - Incorrect database usage
- 2007-04-25: EJAPP Top 10 countdown: #2 - Unnecessary remoting
- 2007-04-22: EJAPP Top 10 countdown: #3 - Incorrectly implemented concurrency
- 2007-04-16: EJAPP Top 10 countdown: #4 - Badly performing libraries
- 2007-04-02: EJAPP Top 10 countdown: #5 - Excessive memory usage
- 2007-03-26: EJAPP Top 10 countdown: #6 - Improper caching
- 2007-03-19: EJAPP Top 10 countdown: #7 - Unnecessary use of XML
- 2007-03-09: EJAPP Top 10 countdown: #8 - Incorrect usage of Java EE
- 2007-02-25: EJAPP Top 10 countdown: #9 - Incorrect application server configuration
- 2007-02-18: EJAPP Top 10 countdown: #10 - Excessive logging
- 2007-02-01: How Xebia consultants stay ahead of the game
- 2007-01-28: A POJO with annotations is not Plain
- 2006-10-13: EJAPP is coming...
- 2006-10-13: Why not to initialize your local variables at declaration
- 2006-12-06: JavaEE: programming model or application server interface?
- 2006-12-03: EJAPP top 10 BOF session at JavaPolis 2006
- 2006-08-18: The problem with proxy-based AOP frameworks
Podcast appearances
- 2009-04-03: Java Persistence API Podcast - JSpring '09 Preview
- 2009-01-27: Podcast 22 - Choosing a technology stack
- 2008-08-22: Podcast Episode 21 - Introduction to Automated Deployment
- 2007-08-17: Podcast Episode 10 online: EJAPP Performance Top 10, 2 and 1
- 2007-07-31: Podcast Episode 9 online: EJAPP Performance Top 10, 4 and 3
- 2007-06-06: Podcast Episode 5 online: EJAPP Performance Top 10, 6 and 5
- 2007-05-23: Podcast Episode 3 online: EJAPP Performance Top 10, 8 and 7
- 2007-05-09: Podcast Episode 1 online: EJAPP Performance Top 10, 10 and 9
Scientific publications
My graduation project at the University of Amsterdam (to become a Drs. in computer science) sparked a number of publications of which I'm quite proud. For more info on the project check the Alma-0 homepage.
- [ABVS98]
Alma-0: An Imperative Language That Supports Declarative Programming
Krzysztof R. Apt, Jacob Brunekreef, Vincent Partington, Andrea Schaerf
TOPLAS 20(5): 1014-1066 (1998) - [ABVS97]
Alma-0: An imperative language that supports declarative programming
Krzysztof R. Apt, Jacob J. Brunekreef, Vincent Partington and Andrea Schaerf
PNA-R9713, ISSN 1386-3711 - [VAP97]
Implementation of an Imperative Programming Language with Backtracking.
V.A. Partington
University Of Amsterdam, Programming Research Group, Report P9712
Free Software
In my spare time, I have worked on free software. Bits of code from me can be found in Apache JServ, the PostgreSQL JDBC driver, and Mark Matthews' excellent JDBC driver for MySQL mm.mysql. The following software packages are my own creations, although other people have also contributed to them:
- A free implementation of Sun's Java Server Pages
- mod_roaming
- With mod_roaming you can use your Apache webserver as a Netscape Roaming Access server.
- mod_hosts_access
- mod_hosts_access allows you to use the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files to configure access to your Apache webserver.
- formatjava
- Format multiple Java source files in one go.
See the individual pages for more details and download links. Or check the page with updates on my free software endeavours.